I was not expecting to do any pictures of comparison just yet. I have been very pleased and amazed by the results though, so I did put a few together. I see my tattoo every day, so I see every little change. But there are some very apparent and visible fading already happening. I think I’ve already been incredibly fortunate because I've only had some minor blistering, which have already gone down. I’ve had some very insignificant itching occur, but I think that was mostly from the bandage irritating my skin at times. It has started to scab over a little in a few places, but for the most part, it seems to be healing very nicely and quickly. I’m really positive at this point that I won’t have to wait 5 more weeks. Hopefully I can go back in 3 weeks for my second treatment. 5 weeks just sounds as if it’s forever away! I also really hope that every treatment goes this incredibly well. Although, my luck, I probably just jinxed myself! ;)
At this point, I’m kind of thinking to myself that this is going a little too well. So I’m really trying to stay realistic and not get my hopes up about anything just yet! However, I can’t help but start getting a little excited from what I've seen already within the first week of the first treatment.
The pictures on the left are pictures I took right before my first treatment a week ago. The pictures on the right side are ones I took last night. You can see that some of the thinner lines are extremely faded and are starting to resemble dashes rather than a solid line. Also there are some very obvious fading within the shaded areas. Overall if you were to see the tattoo in person, it has started to look as if it’s quite old and dull. For this being the first treatment, I was not expecting much of a change, maybe a little fading, but nothing quite so noticeable yet. These are pictures taken on my phone and in horrible lighting, so it doesn’t do it much justice either. Also, some of the pictures you can see some dark yellow coloring around the tattoo. Apparently I had a little bit of bruising and swelling, but it’s continuing to get better every day as well.
As soon as everything has healed up I will be sure and update again!
As soon as everything has healed up I will be sure and update again!